
French legislation on domestic services


Domestic services cover activities designed to help individuals in their daily life and which are carried out either entirely in the individuals’ homes, partly outside their homes, or in the close vicinity. 1 – Activities concerned by domestic services Decree n°2005-1698 of29th December 2005 of the Borloo Plan set out the list of activities covered by […]

Smoke Detector: Compulsory from March 8th 2015


According to the law 2010-238, voted March 9th 2010, every living place empty or occupied will have to be provided with smoke detector equipped before March 8th 2015, call Mademoiselle Julie to install it for you!   WHY IS IT USEFUL?         A few figures: 250 000 fires a year i.e 1 fire […]

Spring is just around the corner…


In winter we all tend to stay indoors in the warm and forget about the garden, but if you want to have a beautiful garden when summer comes there’s a lot of hard work to do now. Vegetation is at rest and it’s the ideal moment to condition the soil, lop trees, prune shrubs, replant […]
